Aluminum Turbosmart BOV Flange - 6061

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Turbosmart Vee Port Pro/Dual Port/Plumb Back/Supersonic
Turbosmart 50mm Raceport/Big Bubba
Turbosmart PowerPort/ProPort
These aluminum flanges are precision CNC machined from 6061 aluminum. They serve as the mounting interface for the Turbosmart blow-off valve onto aluminum intercooler tubing.

Alucon Turbosmart Vee Port Pro/Dual Port/Plumb Back/Supersonic Flange: 303-03810-5000
Alucon Turbosmart Turbosmart 50mm Raceport/Big Bubba: 303-05010-5000
Alucon Turbosmart PowerPort/ProPort: 303-06310-5000
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