SS304 Precision Turbo Pro-Mod / Tial GT55 Outlet w/ Containment Device (4.75" OD Flange / 5" Tubing )

Your Price: $274.99
Part Number:603-11410-6009
Introducing Stainless Bros' latest innovation: 5-Axis CNC Billet Turbo Containment Flanges. Engineered with precision, we’ve integrated robust turbo containment braces into our existing flange designs to ensure your turbine wheel remains securely in place during critical failure scenarios. The containment braces are 1/2-inch thick with a rounded leading edge, which are built to absorb impact, minimizing the risk of turbine wheel fragmentation. We've reinforced and thickened the body of the flanges to enhance structural integrity, ensuring maximum protection even under extreme failures.
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