Precision Turbo Pro-Mod SS304 Turbine Outlet Flange ( 4.75" Ring OD )

Your Price: $79.99
Part Number:603-11410-2000
  • Application:Precision Turbo Pro-Mod SS304 Turbine Outlet Flange
  • Material:304 Stainless Steel
  • Outlet Size:5 Inches
  • Quantity:Single Flange
  • Part #:603-11410-2000
  • Flange OD Size:120mm
  • Fire Ring OD Size:107.5mm

Stainless Bros PTE Pro-Mod SS304 Turbine Outlet Flange ( 120mm OD Flange ) is designed to be used with the New Style Stainless Steel V-Band Inlet/Outlet turbine housing. This flange is machined with the integrated fire ring to provide the proper sealing and fitment between the turbine outlet and flange. The back side of the flange is tapered out and recessed to accept our 5" SS304 Tubing for optimum flow.

*This flange is designed to be used with our Stainless Bros 5" tubing.*

Fits PTP074-3067

Application: PTE Pro-Mod Turbine V-Band Outlet *New Style*
Material: 304 Stainless Steel
Outlet: 5 Inches
Quantity: Single Flange
Part #: 603-11410-2000

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