Furick Cup #9 and #20 45v44 Gas Lens

Your Price: $9.00
Part Number:901-02016-0900
  • Application:Furick Cup #9 and #20 45v44 Gas Lens
  • Quantity:Single Gas Lens
  • Part #:901-02016-0900
An American made gas lens needed to fit every Furickcup except the ally 5 to a 9 or 20 torch. It is for a 3/32-2.4mm size tungsten but will a accommodate a 1/16-1.6 mm tungsten if the user installs a 1/16-1.6mm collet. If you already have this gas lens then purchasing this is not a necessity but it is recommended you have an American made gas lens. I have found over the years that imports give less then desirable results.


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