Aluminum 5052 Sheet 24" x 36" - 1/8" Thick

Your Price: $95.00
Part Number:306-02436-0118
  • Material:Aluminum 5052
  • Wall Thickness:1/8" / .125" / 3mm Thick
The Alucon 5052 aluminum sheet with PVC coating is a durable, corrosion-resistant material perfect for marine, automotive, architectural, and industrial applications. The PVC coating protects the surface from scratches during handling and fabrication, ensuring a clean, polished finish. Lightweight and easy to cut, bend, or weld, this sheet is ideal for projects requiring reliability and versatility. Aluminum 5052 can be bent without cracking compared to 6061 which makes it great for making all different types of tanks including intercooler end tanks, coolant tanks, fuel tanks, breather tanks, and oil tanks. 
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